Professional Service Provider Matt the Painter in Billings MT

Matt the Painter

Interior painting, exterior painting, residential painting, commercial painting, power washing
Billings, Montana 59102
(406) 697-5135

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Contact Details

Name Matt the Painter
Type Interior painting, exterior painting, residential painting, commercial painting, power washing
Contact's Name Matt the Painter
Position owner
Year Established: 2008
Main Phone No. (406) 697-5135
1016 Avenue F
Billings, MT 59102
United States of America
Map View Location of Matt the Painter in Montana

About Matt the Painter

Professional Background

Company Description Matt the Painter (a second generation painting contractor) serves Billings, MT and the surrounding communities. We offer interior, exterior, residential, and commercial painting services. Painting is a skilled trade, just like electricians, plumbers, and carpenters. You are taking a HUGE risk by hiring the wrong painting contractor to paint the largest and most important investment you will ever have…YOUR HOME!!! We take pride in our work which provides you the craftsmanship you expect. Our superior craftsmanship allows us to offer a 5 year guarantee on all completed jobs. Your experience with my team is just as important as the quality of our work. With Matt the Painter, you not only get a professional painter, but an honest experienced friend in the painting business. Our team size consists of a minimum of 4 painters. We run background checks on all of our painters. You’ll find our trained staff to be clean, courteous and committed to your project.
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8am-6pm